In disputes, the parties in dispute can avail themselves of the collaboration of a CTP (part-time technical consultant).

In the event of a dispute, the judge appoints a CTU (official technical consultant) and, in response to the questions, he examines the observations of the CTP in order to produce an official technical report to be delivered to the judge.

Partial naval expertise is requested by the parties involved and by the law firms mainly in the context of disputes and naval accidents.

The parties involved, to protect their rights, have the right to appoint their own Technical Consultant of the Party (CTP). Said consultant will draw up the naval appraisal by analyzing all the questions that the CTU will make known during the preliminary operations.

The CTP participates in the expert’s operations with the CTU with the task of providing useful elements to facilitate the work of the legal party and for the successful outcome of the judgment so that it is advantageous for the client.